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Career Resources

“Success always comes when preparation meets opportunity.”

-Henry Hartman


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Our Process

#1 Take inventory of yourself.   Other than the interview, your new boss and colleagues don’t know you that well.  Make a list of you strengths and weaknesses. Make it a point to lead with your strengths, and work to eliminate your weaknesses.  For example, say by nature that you tend to speak more than you listen.   Make it a point to let others speak more than you do.
#2 Act humble.   No matter how talented or experienced you may be, there's always a learning curve to overcome.   Listen more than you talk.  This can be particularly tough if you've been seen as an expert at your old firm.   Remember the proverb, “Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps his mouth shut."
#3 Watch what you say.   Colleagues will likely question your integrity if you divulge any proprietary information about a prior employer, even if you aren't legally bound to stay mum.  Try to stay on the positive side when your do offer insights about your past employers.
#4 Differentiate yourself.   It can be tough to exceed a boss's expectations early into a job, but there are small ways you can stand out.   For example, volunteer if your boss asks for someone in your group to take an extra task.  Or, complete an assignment a day or so before it's due.  The first several weeks, come to work early, and leave late.   Be careful, however, not to jump in too fast.  You don't have to be a superhero.
#5 Request feedback.   In the first month, ask for your boss's opinion of how you're doing on a weekly basis.  Then scale back to once every two to three weeks to avoid giving the impression that you lack confidence.   If it's not clear, also find out what's expected of you in the weeks ahead.  With some managers you won't know unless you ask.
#6 Build your network.   Get to know and stay in touch with professionals in support roles throughout the company.  You'll boost your odds of quickly gaining their help when you need it because the request won't be coming out of left field.
#7 Stay positive.   No matter what company you work for, not everything is wine and roses.   Avoid affirming other peoples' negative comments.  Instead, focus on being the best you can be.
  Excerpts taken from the Wall Street Journal